those awards has been assigned to Orabbix:
″..we found your product as being one of the software products that
captured our attention; so it has been tested by some of our best
colleagues under more circumstances and it has passed some important
criteria that we use in classifying such products (ease of use,
features, user interface, help&support, customization, speed). For all
these results that your product obtained, I decided to grant your
software product with 5 stars Award, the highest ranking that we
carefully grant..″
From Softpedia:
“…Orabbix” has beinterview.en tested in the Softpedia labs using several
industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of
adware/spyware components. We are impressed with the quality of your
product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future.To assure our visitors that Orabbix is clean, we have granted it with the
“100% FREE” Softpedia award. To let your users know about this
certification, you may display this award on your website, on software
boxes or inside your product…”
Your product “Orabbix (” has been granted the “Famous Software Award”
Some time ago I’ve received a “strange” mail concerning a request to being added on “famouswhy“, well few days ago, with my great pleasure I’ve received this interview andnow It’s been published. Where? on famouswhy of course!
Then for all the curious follower of my website the complete interview is available here:
From submitfiles:
“Dear SmartMarmot … Feel free to use “Five Stars” and “Editor’s Choice” awards on your web pages to show your visitors how highly we value your program, and please, when you place it on your page, make it a link to submitfiles
From bestsoftware4download:
Hello SmartMarmot,You can place Best Software 4 Download award …5 stars – reviewed by Best Software 4 Download
From Eurodownloads:
Your product “Orabbix” has been tested by the labs and we have granted it by our very good – SILVER award !
To let your users know about this Silver award, you may display this award on your website.
Dear SmartMarmot,
Your product, Orabbix 1.1.0-RC3, has been tested 100% clean and rated 5 stars on Your product can be reached from the following URL:…