In this release is included a new item and graph that is used to monitor archivelog production on a database.

In particular i’m going to get an average value that is calculate on a slice of  10 minutes.

So you can monitor your archivelog production, this is really useful if you have an Oracle DataGuard installation or simply to monitor the workload of transaction that are acting on youd database.

Normally this value is really low, on mine database is something like 500 MB/hour but if an hig load is coming this value grown until 16-20GB/hour and is becoming dangerous.

The trigger associated send a mail if this value is mode than 100MB/minute.

Here you can see an example graph of mine database.

archivelog production example

the query used to retrieve this value is:

select round(A.LOGS*B.AVG/1024/1024/10)
from (


WHERE FIRST_TIME >= (sysdate -10/60/24)       )A,

SELECT Avg(BYTES) AVG, Count(1) Count#, Max(BYTES) Max_Bytes, Min(BYTES) Min_Bytes

FROM v$log) B;

I retrieve  the value on last 10 mintes to have an average that have a sense.

get the new package here:

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